True love


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for His friends. John 15:13

Living in this modern era, love is defined in soo many ways, nevertheless we all may agree on the fact that true genuine love is very difficult to find. 

People all around the globe be it rich or poor, young or old crave for a person who cares, protects, encourages, understands, consoles with whom they can share everything, to rely on no matter what and most importantly to love us even after knowing about all our flaws and shortcomings. Even you want someone like this right? 

But to be honest it is nearly impossible to find a perfect person because we all in this earth have our differences, flaws and imperfections. Yet there is someone who says-

 "I have loved you with an everlasting love.. Jeremiah 31:3",

 " Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.. 1 Peter 5:7",

 "Fear not, for I am with you.. Isaiah 41:10

Encouraging words indeed! These are written in the Bible, which over the years has been proved to be the inspired word of God and as a matter of fact it is the most authentic historical document in existence. The most wonderful truth that Bible tells us is that 'GOD IS LOVE' 1John 4:16, and this God knows everything about us still is willing to love, care, protect, console, correct us and lead us in the right path while we live here on earth, not only that even after death He has promised eternal life to whosoever believes on Him.

 'Death' is one scary thing which everyone is afraid of, knowing very well that it is inevitable. Some or the other day we all have to die. But you know what the Bible says-

'But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Jesus Christ dies for us.  Rom5:8

He rose again the third day and is alive forevermore. Amazing grace!

What this means is that Christ Jesus died as a substitute for our sins on that cross of calvary, so that we need not fear death nor hell anymore if we believe on him as it is written 

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Yes, Jesus loves you, with an overwhelming, neverending, reckless love. He is not only the God of Christians as some may think but is the God, Lord, even friend of everyone who calls on His name. Will you accept him and call Him into your life? Trust me, this will be the best decision you ever would have made, you will never regret this choice. But choice is all yours.. 

Have a Blessed week ahead..  God bless you!



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