Real Joy and happiness


'No matter what happens, Enjoy Life, and be Happy'  is what we hear people say in our day to day life. But how? 

Joy or to be joyful will mean different to each individual, for instance, toys, chocolates, playing with friends make kids happy whereas achieving great success, earning lots of money, building houses, gives immense pleasure to some and in today's era following own passion be it traveling, making videos, or anything they say will make one's life happy. 

Though  all these and trying out new things may give happiness or joy, it  always lasts for a very short time.

 Life can be really stressful sometimes when you are in the turning point of your career, suffering from illness, on losing a loved one, overwhelming responsibilities and anxiousness regarding future with many other worries are just enough to remove all our happiness. 

The apostle Paul, in the book of Philippians encourages the believers saying 'Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.' Phil 4:4. 

Reading further down the passage we may understand that he is saying so because we have an Almighty loving God to rely on, one who cares for us and knows our every need as it is written 'Your heavenly father knows what you need' Matthew 6:8. 

Not only does worrying so much makes us less thankful for what we have, as there are always many who crave and long for things that we have. 

We should learn to appreciate for things we have and received. The biggest gift being the assurance of  Eternal Life. Jesus once told His disciples, 'but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven' Luke 10:20

No matter what happens Jesus is always there for you. Have you received Jesus Christ in your life?

Not only does he offer everlasting life to all who accept Him as their savior and Lord but also promises to be with us, guide and lead us knowing all our insecurities and will surely help us to experience real joy and happiness all along the way.

Have a joyful week ahead!



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