The Greatest Gift - True message of Christmas

 "Christmas" is one of the most anticipated time of the year. There are lots of fascinating things in this festival including the attractive decorations, Christmas tree, stars, Santa Claus, delicious food, harmonious music, and sharing of presents in particular among friends and dear ones that makes this season cherished by people of all age groups. 'Gifts' or 'Presents' are loved by everyone, and giving gifts are a means to establish or strengthen our relationship with someone. These presents shared here may last only for few days or years, but there is a much greater and precious gift offered by God the creator to the whole world. It is written in the Bible:- 

"Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call Him Immanuel, that is "God with us."  Isa7:14

"She will give birth to son, and you shall call his name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

" But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:10,11

Isn't it mind blowing to know that the birth of Jesus Christ was prophesied long ago, about 700 years, before His birth, in the 8th Century BC. The birth of Jesus Christ is most significant event since it splits the history of the whole world into B.C and A.D. The unique birth, way of life, death and resurrection everything was foretold and happened just the same way. There are tons of historical and scientific evidences about the existence of Jesus. We all are born to live, but have you heard of someone who was born to die? 

Yes, Jesus Christ was born to die, all His life He displayed the wonderful love of God all through His actions and deeds. The birth of Jesus Christ was in a manger, a humble birth indeed! God's marvellous love and compassion of  was showed through Jesus's journey in the earth, He is an all powerful God with authority over nature, sickness and even death. Above all, in the end He gave Himself as a propitiation for our sins, He suffered, bled and died for our atonement. The yet greatest event being His resurrection on the third day. He is coming soon. It is written in the Bible that -

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

" For He is our peace who has made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between." Ephesians 2:14

Mankind by no means can ever come near God, neither by sacrifices nor through good deeds. So, God Himself has made a way so that people all around the world belonging to any age, ethnicity, educational background, social status, or in any condition, can come to Him and be saved by 'Faith'. Our life in this world is like a journey that'll one day come to an end, and there is a greater life awaiting for everyone who believes. Salvation is free, to the one who believes.

Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation through Him is the greatest gift ever to humanity! It is through Him that we who were once far off are brought near. Have you received the free & priceless gift of Salvation? It is written that He is-

- the wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting father and Prince of Peace.

 Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour? Lord Jesus Christ loves and cares for you!

Though, nowhere in the Bible it's mentioned about date or month of Jesus's birth, and yet all of us who have known this truth, let's use this season as an opportunity to tell others about the Wonderful and reckless love of Lord Jesus Christ and the eternal blessing it follows.

May God bless you.

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