Navigating life's journey: Following the way, the truth and the Life

Whenever we start a journey it is human instinct to know whereabouts of the destination, mode of transport and most importantly the path or way of reaching the terminal. Have you ever wondered about our destination, once our life in this world comes to an end? Today, with so much advancement in technology & other developments people don't want to think or talk about God, heaven or anything of that sort and many even consider it outdated, and that there is no existence of supernatural being. But, you know what's written in the Bible- 

The fool has said in his heart there is no God. Psalms 41:1

No matter how many claim that God doesn't exist, the universe, our own marvellous body, and practically life that further demands a life giver, are some of the proofs that there has to be a Creator God. However, things may go, deep down in one's heart there is always this continuous yearning to know about God and afterlife. God is love. It is written-

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. Romans5:7 

But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Lord Jesus Christ showed His love in action. There are ample evidences about Him, His life, death and resurrection both in the Bible and History. Above all, the most wonderful thing is His love! He came into this world to bear our sins, transgressions on the cross, bore shame, guilt and agony everything for you and me. Also, He rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. 

Because, strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life. John 7:14

Jesus Christ is the way! Though the way is said to be narrow yet it is broad for whole world to fit in, provided the decide to follow the way. 

People also want only to hear, have and know about something that is real, genuine and true, be it news through media, or true friends who are willing to support them at all times and even the materials we posses or consume we tend to always have authentic and true ones. The Bible says- 

Then you will Know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

When we read the context it is said that Jesus was talking to the crowd who believed in Him, Jesus Christ is the Truth. 

Similarly, in our highly uncertain life, we are constantly in search of some sort of fulfillment, and go after things like money, power, fame, or any other sort of things to have a good life. Life is very precious and no one knows the value of it more than the one the one who gave it. Lord Jesus Christ gave His live away, and tasted the death so that we may have eternal life.- 

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13

The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. John 10:11

He not only spoke of life, rather foretold the kind of death He would face just for our sake. He is our Good Shepherd, and friend if you obey Him. 

Our life here on earth is a journey as well. As every journey must end one day, so will our life. Our lives are a blessing from God our creator. While living it is necessary to know about the direction (the way), the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ has said- 

I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:16

Have you accepted Christ as your Lord and savior? If not, today is the day, Jesus Christ loves and cares for you, irrespective of who you are or what yo have done He is there to make everything alright if only you are willing to put your trust in Him and accept His saving grace through faith.  

For those of us who have already did so, let us continue our journey with His strength, knowing that no matter what happens God is in control, He will take care and to tell others of the wonderful marvellous love of God our savior, while being a channel of God's blessing to others. 

May God bless you. Have a joyful week ahead!


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