Peace amidst chaos


Staying calm and having peace in mind can be well experienced when everything in our life is going good.

 But what about then when we are going through tough times and have no idea of what the future holds?

Starting from a very early stage in life say after entering our teenage we tend to completely lose our peace and become anxious regarding many things like our studies, exams, choosing career, peer pressure, family problems, work load, fear regarding future and many other unexpected happenings rob our peace of mind. 

No matter how much we try to be calm, worry less there is always something that comes up and deprives us of peace and happiness. Isn't it true? 

You may have heard lots of suggestions like eating light, sleeping well, exercising, doing yoga, say some can offer inner peace. May be true though for a short time, but eventually everything is lost when life goes downhill. 

But you know there is someone who says,

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Incredible assurance of peace, right? This was said by Jesus Christ, who understands all struggles and weaknesses of ours.

Jesus Christ is our peace as written in Ephesians 2:14-18

We all with no exception have miserably sinned, death seems to many the ultimate end, but there is something more terrible after death, the Hell. Christ Jesus came to this world and suffered for me and you on the cross of calvary, he bore our sins, was beaten, mocked and nailed to the cross and died as a substitute for us, to give us eternal life and peace. The greatest truth is that he rose again the third day was seen of many then taken up to heaven. He reconciled us to God. All it takes is just to put our faith and trust on Him, who is alive forevermore. 

 "My peace I give you", this exceptional peace is given by Jesus Christ to all those who put their faith in Him, as written- 

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3

All through the centuries we can see numerous examples in the lives of people who trusted in Lord and were lead miraculously by him, even looking back at our own life each one of us can witness the grace and loving Hand of God that has lead us this far, why to be then anxious and lose peace thinking about the future? as 

"God didn't bring this far to leave you." Phil 1:6

This doesn't mean that we will not have problems or trials, as He himself has said- 

"In this world you will have trouble, but He has also said, but take courage, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

 The overcomer is with us. He holds our future. No need to panic or worry all the time. 

So, dear readers, I just want to remind you that no matter what you are going through or whatever may be the thoughts that trouble you or make you anxious and worry there is someone who always cares for you, loves you, and watching over you.

 Trust Him, and you are sure to experience the peace amidst chaos. 

We can then sing along this song that goes like-

For the God on the mountain, Is still God in the valley,

When things go wrong, He'll make them right,

And the God of the good times, Is still God in the bad times,

The God of the day, is still God in the night!

Have a blessed week ahead!

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