Power of Gentleness


A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

The above said verse is absolutely acceptable by people of all age groups. We may have seen how a soft and humble answer calms down short tempered and furious person. 

For instance when we consider David from the Bible, though He got opportunity to take revenge upon King Saul who was trying hard and following him everywhere to kill him, not only did David refuse to kill him but addressed him as "My father" and replied wisely and very gently, such that Saul himself was deeply ashamed. It was because David knew that  Vengeance belongs to God and he had faith in God's timing. 

Gentleness is a great strength, as it is very difficult to control our anger and reply calmly without losing temper in an furious situation. Gentleness does not mean to allow people run over or using you rather it the ability to convey our words in such a way that it will not be hurtful to others, yet speaking the truth always. This may be difficult to practice yet not impossible. This personality is highly sought after in all walks of life. The Bible says- 

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29 

This verse was said by Lord Jesus Christ, and without any denial He is the most humble and gentle person the world has ever witnessed. We can see numerous instances from the Bible where people tried to infuriate Jesus Christ and find fault with Him, but never could as He always answered wisely and left them awestruck. He was gentle and showed utmost empathy to the people around him be it a beggar or an outcast.

Yet the only place where Jesus  did not open his mouth was before His crucifixion, where people started bringing accusations against Him falsely, nothing of which could be proven, He did not threaten, or shout at anyone, you know why? Because He loved us! It was His abundantly wonderful grace and mercy, that He suffered soo much on the cross, for our sins and humbled Himself to death that we may be saved through Him. Moreover, after His resurrection also He did not go to those who crucified Him rather to those more than 500 people who were anticipating for Him in hope. Have you accepted the gentle loving savior as your Lord? 

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

Gentleness is a beautiful virtue, it is also good for our health and a key to happy life. Moreover as a dear child of God, and followers of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, we must be gentle, kind and be patient with others. Our actions must witness whom we follow, as it is just a short while we are here and never know when we will be called to our eternal home. So until then let us by the grace of God be gentle throughout our lifetime.

May God Bless you. Have a great week ahead!

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