Essence of Faithfulness

Trusting someone and then being deceived or back stabbed by them is a heart breaking experience.

The agony of discovering that the person you considered loyal or trustworthy has betrayed or turned their back on you can be unbearable. It is truly emotionally devastating. Have you experienced such deception? May be or may be not. But this kind if not worse is the way things are nowadays. It has become very difficult to find faithful, loyal and trustworthy person. 

People change as do seasons, that is depending on the external circumstances their behavior changes. Faithfulness is the act of being loyal and true to your word irrespective of how things change or what you may be going through. This kind of trustworthiness is expected in all aspects of our life be it friendship, relationship, in family, place of our study and at work. Wherever we be loyalty has become a highly valued and least practiced asset. Not everyone can be trusted, is what we all are being taught from childhood and we experience the same as time passes. 

But we can't deny the fact that we do crave for someone to rely and depend on, with whom we can share everything without hesitation, can be trusted at all times and someone who will remain faithful, doesn't it? We may not find any perfect person in this world, except our Loving creator! The one who created me, you and the entire universe. It is written- 

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; They are new every morning; Great is His faithfulness. Lamentation 3:22& 23

This is one of the most encouraging and lovely verse in the Bible, all through the ages, God has been faithful to His word. It is because of God's mercies we are not consumed. In the scripture starting from the beginning man has been breaking covenant and has always been a lawbreaker, though God punishes sins, offences yet He never stopped loving His people. God always wants us to repent of our sins and turn to Him, as written-

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 

Lord Jesus Christ never turns down anyone who comes to Him, He values us as a person more than we ever value our own selves and loves us unconditionally. As foretold and written in the scripture Christ Jesus came to this world, died on that cross bearing our sins, guilt, trespasses, rose again the third day and is coming soon. He can be counted on and trusted, without any doubt. Have you come to the saving grace of Christ. It is written -
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Let us hold unwaveringly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

This is the Great marvellous unwavering faithfulness of God. We who have experienced it in our lives have to practise the same. God wants us to be faithful over small and little things. Let us therefore, strive to be faithful, loyal and trustworthy as our master so that we may one day hear His sweet approving voice saying,-

Well done my good and faithful servant.. Mathew 25:23

May our blessed Lord Jesus Christ help us to live faithfully for Him and be loyal in whatever we do in every phase of our life's journey.

Have a joyful week ahead!

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