The Good Shepherd's Unconditional Love

 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. 1 Cor 13:7

A Shepherd is a person who looks after the sheep. The prime responsibility is to guide and look after the sheep so that it doesn't get lost. When Christ Jesus was here on earth He told the parable of a shepherd who had one hundred sheep, and on a certain day one sheep went astray and got lost. This shepherd after knowing about the lost sheep left the ninety nine in the fold, and went searching for that one lost sheep, after searching far and wide he finally finds the lost one and joyfully brings it back home. That Shepherd instead of forgetting and disregarding the lost sheep rushes to bring it back showing his genuine love and care towards each and every one of his sheep. 

This parable illustrates the boundless love and care that Christ showers upon each and every one of us. In John 10:11, He says- "I am the Good Shepherd" 

However, we all like that one lost sheep once wandered and went astray from the presence of God and were lost, entangled with sin and it's fleeting pleasures, without hope and purpose in this world,  especially after our life on this world comes to an end, awaiting judgement and eternal damnation. There was no way for us to return to our creator, but as the above verse continues-

The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. John 10:11 

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Eph2:13

Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us, bearing all of our sin and shame on that Calvary cross, only to rise triumphantly on the third day conquering death and the grave. He is returning soon for those who eagerly await for Him, and gives us this blessed assurance of eternal life in heaven if our life here on earth comes to an end. 


Jesus Christ never turns away anyone who come to Him no matter how big of a sinner they be, as long as they are willing to repent and turn from their sins. No matter who you are, or what you've done Jesus Loves You. But he never forces his way into our life, we must invite Him. Have you invited Christ into your life?

Our Lord Jesus is undeniably the good and loving shepherd, as He nurtures, cares and provides for all of our needs, even before we ever think and leads us in His way if we commit our life to Him. The path at times may appear uncertain but as it unfolds ultimately it turns out remarkably beautiful than our wildest imaginations cause God comprehends a broader picture of our future. 

For those of us who have accepted His saving grace, let us strive to persist in doing good and fulfill His purpose in our life, sharing this message of love to those around us and be a shining star, bringing joy and happiness in the lives of those around us. 

Have a blessed week ahead!

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