Kindness in Action - A significant need

The kindness you put out into the world always has a way of coming back to you.

We live in a world filled with violence and injustice. A world where humans are discriminated and judged but never supported, people love and are ready to do anything for selfish gain, where evil people are respected good ones mistreated. We live among humans who have lost humanity, where there is more information and less meaning. Isn't these sentences true?

What does it means to be kind? Kindness is different from being nice, being nice is to please everyone  whereas being kind is to support, help, care for others without personal gain or outside influences.

 If we see our enemy or the person we hate suffer who may have quarreled with us, lied to us, deceived us yet having the instinct to lend a helping hand for them when nobody else is there for them, is a pure act of kindness. The world needs kind people more than ever. It is so rare to see selfless people these days. 

In a world filled with darkness you can be the light to someone, by being kind and compassionate because the Bible says-

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

But love your enemies, and do good and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the most high, for He is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Luke 6:35

These verses teaches us the importance of kindness as our Lord Jesus Christ was kind and compassionate with everyone while living on earth, though He knew that the people will later crucify Him him yet He helped them, healed them of their sickness, gave sight to the blind did many miracles and showed empathy.

Most of all He suffered, bled, and died for our sins on that cross of calvary for the whole mankind, rose again on the third day and lives for evermore. Today He calls- 

Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will you rest. Matthew 11:28

Even today He doesn't push any one away but receives everyone who come to Him just as they are. Marvellous love, compassion and kindness indeed! He knows our sorrows, problems, distress and is willing to help. Have you come to Him? 

He expects the same from us. We who have received kindness should pass it on to others. 

There are soo many people around us who are in dire need, many are suffering with illness, depression, addictions, some may not even have any friend to talk to and share their problems. 

To them even a smile, enquiring of ones well being, being a good listener, showing empathy and helping whenever we could can cheer them up and help them move forward. 

As Christ has showed us kindness, let us also do the same and be a rainbow in someone else's cloud!

May you have a great week ahead!

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